Monday, September 20, 2021

Happy Birthday Baby Cruises Past 18K

It appears that twenty thousand views is within reach as Happy Birthday Baby is now north of eighteen thousand hits on YouTube. The advance appears to have happened over night.

The video for Happy Birthday Baby has an international twist. Carol Dunitz wears sixteen different costumes during the presentation from all over the world. "I have collected them during my travels over the years," she explains. "The only one I had to borrow was the Dutch girl costume. The Holland MI CVB was kind enough to let me wear one of theirs for the shoot."

Cheers to Happy Birthday Baby. May many others continue to enjoy it! Happy Birthday Baby

Friday, July 2, 2021

17,000 Views Plus

Happy Birthday Baby officially crossed the 17,000 view mark on YouTube today.  Here is a seƱora celebrating. 

Thanks to everyone who celebrates birthdays and enjoyed the video!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

10,000 Views for Countin' on Joe

I was disappointed to learn after I posted Countin' on Joe on YouTube that the video was not searchable. Not being able to search for a video has dramatic impact on the number of viewers. The song still has meaning -- not as a campaign song -- but for support for the current administration. That's why I am happy to report it has now received 10,000 views. 

Moving forward I am committed to another venture and will not be actively posting the video on Facebook. It's been a good run and I appreciate all the volunteers who helped make Countin' on Joe possible.