Monday, September 21, 2020

The Last Day of Summer 2020 and 10,000 Views

The last day of summer, September 21, 2020, was a beautiful day here in Michigan. The sun shone brightly. I was out in the sun over the lunch hour with one of my daughters and one of her friends. We talked about the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, what the current political scene foreshadowed, how the vegan challah bread I had made (no eggs) and brought over almost tasted like the real thing and numerous other subjects. We had a lovely visit. 

And then I returned home to discover the one novelty song in 2020 The Musical was about to hit the 10,000 view mark on YouTube. Would it happen today or tomorrow? Would it feel really exciting or just like hitting any other mark? 

Yes. Happy Birthday Baby crossed the 10,000 view level today. It did not feel like a fireworks display. But it has been very satisfying over time to receive many positive comments from those who have seen it. It feels like I have made a small difference in the lives of those who have been touched by it.

And now? Now I look forward to the next 10,000 views.

Happy Birthday Baby

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Countin' on Joe Appears on Cable TV


Countin' on Joe, The Joe Biden Campaign Song, is scheduled to premiere on Ann Arbor COMMUNITY TELEVISION NETWORK, CABLE CHANNEL 17 - Sunday, 9/13/20 at 7:00pm.


Additional replay times include: 

Monday, 9/14 at 1:30pm & 10:41pm; 

Tuesday, 9/15 at 3:55pm; 

Wednesday, 9/16 at 5:55pm; 

Thursday, 9/17 at 9:50pm; 

Friday, 9/18 at 1:30pm; 

Saturday, 9/19 at 12:55pm & 7:00pm; 

Sunday, 9/20 at 2:55pm; 

Tuesday, 9/22 at 4:25pm; and 

Wednesday, 9/23 at 8:00pm

To date, Countin' on Joe has received 5046 views on YouTube. Unfortunately, YouTube has not made it searchable, which has stunted viewership.

Check it out on Channel 17 Ann Arbor on the dates listed above. To see it on YouTube, visit this video link:


Friday, September 11, 2020

When YouTube Makes It Impossible...

Countin on Joe has received over 5,000 views. That number would be a lot higher if it appeared in YouTube searches. It does not. For whatever their reason, YouTube has made it almost impossible to find. 

Initial interest was due to extensive emailing and sending out press releases. Now that the surge of response is over, the daily visit count has dwindled dramatically. So short of a miracle, Countin' on Joe appears to be dead in the water. 

I had many wonderful responses from people who have enjoyed the song. As usual, there were a few stray Republicans and Berniecrats who also shared their message. LOL

This was a fun project to work on. And I greatly appreciate everyone who participated from around the country. Thank you. :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Talk About Quick Turnaround!

I was interviewed by Chanel Stitt, a business reporter for the Detroit Free Press, late this morning. The article she wrote as a result of the half hour interview was posted at 5:37 PM. When the interview was completed she asked if I could send her a photo of myself as well as a high quality photo of everyone in their spots on the grid. I went into Final Cut Pro X to do this, blew up the grid to fit in the whole screen and took a screen shot. This is what she used to accompany her story.

You can read her story, 'Countin' on Joe,' Metro Detroiter created virtual campaign song for Joe Biden, at: (Sept. 1, 2020)

She told me how much all her colleagues liked the music/video while we were talking which I really appreciated. The most important thing is to know within yourself that you have done a good job. That withstanding, it is always nice to get an 'ataboy' or pat on the back.

* A number of additional articles and posts appeared as a result of the Freep article. They are listed under the pages section, Press Coverage.

Colorado Coverage and more

After posting Countin' on Joe on YouTube, I sent out a press release with "fill in the blank" areas in the hope that singers from the production would use it to alert the media about the video. It was naive of me to expect this response. If one has no experience in PR it is difficult to navigate the process. It takes more than filling in the blanks. You have to understand what publications to approach and which individuals to contact there.

Shannon Winkelman of Bayfield, CO managed to do it. And the one release she sent out resulted in publication in five different places!

Pine River Times
The Durango Herald 
The Journal
progressivepartyusa - top ten political news

I decided to send out press releases for participants who were amenable to having me do this. As a result, I contacted media for well over two-thirds of the singers.

Today I want contacted by a Keith Whitcomb, a reporter for the Rutland Herald. Our singer from Vermont is Christian Doran.  An article will hopefully appear soon in that publication.