Monday, August 12, 2019

CDBaby Posts 2020: The Musical Songs on Youtube

CDBaby has posted songs from "2020: The Musical" on youtube.  Links to the songs follow.

All for One

Citizens United Gone

Democrats Forever

Dump the Trump in 2020

Eh Boy

Flying Blind

Hands Down Better

Happy Birthday Baby

I Want to Play with You

Isaac and Ishmael

Let’s Take Out the NRA

My Body, My Choice

On Our Way

Republican Do So Do

Simple Times Gone By

Stack the Deck

Sunday Bloody Sunday

The Border Wall Tango

The Public Wants

This Life Shared in Poverty


  1. Just saw you at Liberty hangout. Man what a frickin moron you are. TDS on full display. Another retarded democrat.

  2. This "musical" is um.....
    It's interesting to say the least.
    The background music sounds like it was made in 2005. Also, shouldn't a musical titled show both sides of view instead of pushing a DEMOCRAT GOOD REPUBLICAN BAD agenda?
    When you listen to it, you even have a hard time hearing the vocals over the horrendous background music! I don't even know if that's a good thing or not, because based off of the little I could hear, I'm not even sure if I want to hear the vocals.

    Trash Songs, Check.
    Pushing an Agenda, Check.
    Trash Lyrics, Check.
    Trash BG Music, Check.
    Trash Vocals, Couldn't even hear that well over the Trash BG Music.

    .2/10 Stars for effort.

  3. KB on Liberty Hangout made you look like a joke. Never laughed so hard in my life.

  4. Hey guys

    Come one, let's be nice. I'm also a conservative, however come on. We can change them or her.

  5. Jajajaj lol #TRUMP2020 Latino for Trump
