In today's world it has become more difficult to market because there are SO MANY potential avenues to use. It can be overwhelming. Having run a boutique marketing firm in the past, I am aware of how things work. However, social media has made the process more challenging.
Yesterday I decided to create a static card and embed a short musical excerpt from "Dump the Trump in 2020." The excerpt is the second verse of the song. Once this was done, I posted it to nine left leaning groups of which I am a member on Facebook.
Why only nine groups? Because Facebook has banned me so many times I have become more conservative with posting. In this situation, I decided I would make no more than nine to ten posts of the card a day (I have a list of about 75 groups where I would like to post).
BANNED. Yes, I was banned again. The ban, however, is only for a day. So tomorrow I will post again. :)
To play excerpt:
What a load of shit.