Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mascots and Political Campaigns

When I protested the lack of action on climate change with Jane Fonda in Washington DC, I met a polar bear campaigning with the group, Save the Arctic. In Las Vegas last week I met what appeared to be the polar bear’s relative who looked somewhat emaciated. Lo and behold, that same bear was in Charleston yesterday with Save Life On Earth.

Also present yesterday were several AARP Stop Greed dinosaur mascots in front of the Gaillard Center. One of them posed with me. The AARP campaign is protesting the high cost of drugs. Prescription drug prices in the United States are way higher than all other countries around the world.

I myself am a mascot of sorts. Uncle Sam is a visual for the United States. The origin of Uncle Sam is traced back to Troy NY businessman Samuel Wilson who provided barrels of beef to the army during the War of 1812. Samuel Wilson was affectionately referred to as “Uncle Sam.”

This visual persona that most people associate with Uncle Sam is from a James Montgomery Flagg World War I poster. The recruiting poster encored in World War II with the caption, “I Want You.”

I take on the character of Uncle Sam when making public appearances to draw interest to current political times and my new musical, 2020 The Musical. The public eats it up and people often take photos of me. Sometimes they ask to appear in photos with me. Here I am  In Charleston SC with a one of many advocates for more charter schools.

The press is often drawn to me as well.

I have a lot of fun. But going to the debate scenes and other political events is about more than having fun. The state of our country and the coming election is serious business. I wrote 2020 The Musical to educate people and get them out to the polls in November.

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