Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Cameo Appearance on HBO

My new friend, Dushime Gashugi, messaged me that we appear in the new CNN documentary, On the Trail: Inside the 2020 Primaries, which premiered recently on HBO Max. Not only did he give me a heads up, but also shared his HBO password with me so I could watch it! When I watched the whole hour and a half video and didn't see it, I messaged him and asked where we appeared. I guess I blinked and missed it. It was in the first minute and a half! So much for a cameo appearance...

Dushime and I first met in Las Vegas. He was promoting Michael Bloomberg and I was promoting 2020: The Musical. We met up again at a subsequent Democratic debate stop -- much like the Embeds who were following the candidates.

Embed as a noun is my new word for the day. That's how the reporters who follow a particular candidate refer to themselves. The documentary provides an in depth view of what life is like behind the scene for members of the press who exhaustively follow their assigned presidential hopefuls.

For me and Dushime, we were interested in what life is like in front of the scene!

And now it's back to a normal life....if you can call life during a pandemic 'normal.' I'm not touring  in my new musical -- although I was contacted by a country club last week that was interested in having me perform. The only place I am performing is at home for political parodies and campaign songs.

My new Joe Biden campaign song should be out in about a week! Stay tuned.

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